Organized over 175 years ago in 1833 we are one of three volunteer fire companies that make up the West Chester Fire Department.
The Good Will Fire Company No. 2 is a 100% volunteer fire service that protects the lives and property of the communities of the Borough of West Chester, West Goshen Township, Westtown Township, Birmingham Township, East Bradford Township, and the entire township of Thornbury in Chester County.
The Good Will Fire Company earned the 100% certification level from the PA State Fire Commissioner's Office. This level is awarded when 100% of the fire company’s active members hold at least one of the state's certification levels
Third Class Fire Fighter Olivia Klara, February 01
01/20/2025 - Just after 4:00 PM the West Chester Borough Fire Department responded to a vehicle fire on Sunset Hollow Road just west of Pottstown Pike, West Goshen Township. The WCFD was assisted by the West Goshen Township Police Department.
01/22/2025 - This Wednesday morning the WCFD responded with other mutual aid companies to assist the West Bradford Fire Company with a house fire on Lucky Hill ... (Full Story & Photos)
12/05/2024 - Engine 52-1 operated as the First Due Engine followed by Engine 52-2 as the Second Due Engine. Engine 52-1 secured their own water supply and placed an 1 3/4” crosslay in service.
12/08/2024 - Early this morning WCFD’s Good Will Fire Company #2 of West Chester was alerted for Air/Light 52 and Tanker 52 to assist on a building fire in West Marlborough Township.
12/05/2024 - The West Chester Borough Fire Department remains on-scene of a garage fire located in the 700 block of Hillside Drive, West Chester Borough. Crews are waiting for a PECO response to turn off power to the garage. Assisting WCFD were Good Fellowship Ambulance & EMS Training Institute, West Chester Borough Police Department and West Whiteland Fire Company. Engine 52-1 operated as the First ... (Full Story & Photos)
Third Class Fire Fighter Olivia Klara, December 01
11/1/2024 - At 12.49 AM this morning, November 1, 2024, the West Chester Borough Fire Department, Good Fellowship Ambulance & EMS Training Institute, West Goshen Township Police Department along with mutual aid were dispatched to the 300 block of Rita Court, West Goshen Township for a house fire. The caller reported a vehicle on fire inside an attached garage at the home. Crews arrived to find the ... (Full Story & Photos)
Third Class Fire Fighter Olivia Klara, November 01
10/02/2024 - West Chester Borough Fire Department, Good Fellowship Ambulance & EMS Training Institute and Chester County Department of Emergency Services are on location of a hazardous materials call in the 800 block of Lincoln Ave., West Goshen Township. At this there is no immediate threat to the public. Engine 52-1, Engine 52-2, Air 52 and Assistant 52 all made the response.