Station 52 responded to 35 calls for service in May.
On 5/3/21 At approximately 1:20 AM, Station 52 was alerted for Air 52 to assist Station 24(Kennett Fire Co) on a Working Commercial Building Fire. Air 52(Lt. L. Pierson) responded shortly after dispatch with a crew of 5. Air 52 arrived and setup to fill cylinders while the crew of Air 52 met with Manpower. Air 52 was directed to complete Vertical Ventilation. Air 52 operated on scene for several hours and assisted with Overhaul, Vertical Ventilation and Filled Cylinders.
On 5/8/21 Engine 52-1 assisted the Chester County HazMat team with their PEMA recertification. Engine 52-1 remained available to cover the borough.
On 5/10/21 Station 52 was alerted to assist Stations 54/56 (Goshen Fire Co.) with a reported house fire in the 2400 block of Leeds Court, Westtown Township. Engine 52-1(FF M. Pearce) arrived as the First Due Engine. Crews determined there to be no fire and cleared a short time after.
On 5/11/21 Station 52 was alerted for an Engine to assist Delco Station 59(Concordville Fire Co.) on a Working House Fire. Engine 52-2(Capt P. Widmayer) responded shortly after dispatch with a crew of 4. While enroute the 2nd Alarm was transmitted. Engine 52-2 arrived and replaced interior crews. The Crew of Engine 52-2 assisted with Fire Attack and Overhaul. Air 52(FF D. Smiley Sr.) also made the response and assisted with Filling Air Cylinders. 52 units operated for a few hours before returning available.
On 5/11/21 a few hours after returning for the Working House Fire, Station 52 was alerted for the reported vehicle fire in the 300 Block of Westtown Rd. Engine 52-1, Engine 52-2, Tanker 52, Engine 53, Asst. 52, Asst. 53, Asst. 51 and Chief 51 all quickly made the response. Upon arrival Engine 52-1 stretched an 1 3/4" Bumper line and found a mattress on Fire. Crews extinguished the mattress and had no extension to any exposures.
On 5/14/21 while a crew was on station cleaning apparatus, Station 52 was alerted to Relocate Delco Station 41(Newtown Square Fire Co.) while they operated at a 2nd Alarm fire in there first due. Engine 52-1(Lt. C. Simpkins) responded right after dispatch with a crew of 4. Engine 52-1 handled an Accident with Injuries while standing by. Engine 52-1 returned available a few hours later.
On 5/17/21 The WCFD was alerted to Chester County Hospital in the 700 block of East Marshall Street for the Odor Investigation Inside. Engine 52-1(FF A. Smiley) arrived as the FDE and determined the odor not to be a hazard. Later in the evening members from Station 52 traveled to the West Chester Fire Department Training Center. Crews worked on RIT also know as Rapid Intervention Team. Members joined Newtown Square Fire Company who were conducting a live burn and practiced RIT operations.
On 5/19/21 Volunteers from the Station 52 assisted the Good Fellowship Ambulance & EMS Training Institute with landing a medical helicopter at Henderson High School.The Jeffstat Medical Helicopter was landed on the football field due to another medical helicopter waiting on the hospital’s helipad at the time.
On 5/20/21 Volunteers from Station 52, Station 51(First West Chester Fire Co. #1) attended First Responders Day with the West Chester Borough Police Department, Good Fellowship Ambulance & EMS Training Institute and other agencies at East Bradford Elementary School.
On 5/21/21 At approximately 12:30 PM, the West Chester Fire Department along with Good Fellowship Ambulance & EMS Training Institute and Goshen Fire Company were dispatched to a building fire in the 200 block of West Market Street, West Chester Borough. Crews located a fire in the basement of the property which was extinguished.
On 5/23/21 Members of the departments three stations met for the month of May department training drill. Members spent the morning practicing expending lines in a large structure and reviewed how to use the ladder truck as a portable standpipe.
On 5/24/21 Volunteers from Station 52 were alerted to assist Station 38 (Thorndale Volunteer Fire Company) as part of a second alarm assignment on a townhouse fire in Caln Township, Chester County. Engine 52-2(FF M. Pearce) responded and once on location crews assisted with overhaul and salvage.
On 5/25/21 The WCFD responded to a house fire in the 1000 block of Lenape Road, East Bradford Township. Arriving crews located a working fire in the basement which was extinguished quickly due to the quick response of all agencies. Engine 52-2(Capt P. Widmayer) arrived as the Third Due Engine and stretched a second handline to the basement. Engine 52-1(FF D. Jones), Air 52(Lt C. Simpkins) and Assistant 52 also made the response. Crews operated on location for a short time before returning available.
On 5/30/21 The West Chester Fire Department was alerted for a house fire in the 400 block of College Ave., West Chester Borough. Crews arrived at the scene to find a heavy smoke condition from the home and located fire within. Engine 52-1(Capt P. Widmayer) arrived as the Second Due Engine and stretched a Handline to the Second Floor, Engine 52-2(Lt C. Simpkins) also operated on the Second Floor as well as the First Floor. Air 52(FF D. Smiley Sr.) and Assistant 52 also made the response. |