On Monday, June 24, severe storms moved through the tri-state area. As Engine Company 52 crews prepared to begin a training session on the electrical and compressed air systems of Air 52, the Downingtown Fire Department called for an engine to relocate Station 45 (Alert Fire Company) as their crews handled multiple calls, including a working dwelling fire with Station 49 (East Brandywine Fire Company). Engine 52-1 responded to the transfer shortly after with four firefighters. Just after responding, a second call for a transformer fire in the area of Greystone Drive was handled by a crew from Engine 52-2. Engine 52-1 arrived and stood by briefly at Station 45 while 45 and 46 units (Downingtown) returned to service. Crews were delayed on their trip home due to the magnitude of damage in downtown Downingtown. Just before leaving Downingtown, Engine Company 52 was alerted for an engine and tanker to assist Delaware County station 59 (Concordville) with a working structure fire. Engine 52-2 and Tanker 52, under the commands of Asst. Chief Stafford and Captain Creager, quickly responded from the station. Crews operated for several hours, providing manpower for overhaul. Engine 52-1 returned to the station and stood by to cover the east side of West Chester.
Engine 52-1, Engine 52-2, Tanker 52
Just before the storm
Courtesy of Concordville Fire Co. www.concordville.org
Courtesy of Concordville Fire Co. www.concordville.org